Masterpiece Amethyst Chakrasamvara

Masterpiece Amethyst Chakrasamvara






Lapis lazuli

Gold-plated copper

Dimensions & Weight:

Height: 13 inches

Width: 11 inches

Statue Height: 10.5 inches

Base Height: 2.5 inches

Base Width: 7 inches

Base Depth: 5 inches

Weight: 4 kilograms

Shipping Origin: Kathmandu, Nepal


Master Nepali craftsman created this extraordinary Chakrasamvara, carved from a single piece of amethyst. The gold-plated copper filigreed base and the statue’s perimeter decoration are adorned with individually carved pieces of turquoise, coral, and lapis lazuli.

This powerful depiction of Chakrasamvara embracing his yogini consort Vajravarahi is a highly energized visualization, such as would have been experienced by an advanced tantric master. These are key deities in the Vajrayana system, uniting two of the most powerful ideas in esoteric Buddhism: wisdom, embodied in Vajravarahi, and compassion – the essence of Chakrasamvara. His name, which translates as Circle of Bliss, embodies the powerful union of these two fundamental tenets of Buddhism.

Chakrasamvara and his consort Vajravarahi trample on the deities Bhairava and Kalaratri, the wrathful manifestations of the divine couple Siva and Parvati, subjugating them. Hindu deities are often incorporated into Buddhist iconography, sometimes in positive roles and other times as representative of obstacles to be overcome, and expression of both common cultural roots and the tension between the two competing traditions.

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