Masterpiece Nepal Jewelry Treasure Box with Gem Inlay


Masterpiece Nepal Pure Silver Gem Inlay Lapis Coral Turquoise Dragon Teapot Flagon


Masterpiece Pure Silver Gulpa Offering/Storage Jar crafted with Gem Inlay of Lapis Coral & Turquoise


Masterpiece Nepal Pure Silver Gem inlay lapis coral turquoise Dragon Teapot


Nepal Silver & Gold inlay ruby beryl turquoise Gem crystal Buddhism Gulpa Classic Jar Pot


Nepali Gilt Jeweled Lapis Peacock

Jeweled Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Prayer Trumpet Horn 4.jfif

Jeweled Tibetan Buddhist Ceremonial Prayer Trumpet Horn

Vajrapani Tibetan Zodiac Calendar 5.jpg

Vajrapani Tibetan Zodiac Calendar


Layaway Information – Not for Sale


Masterpiece Nepal Buddhist Zambala-topped “Good Luck” Turtle & Conch Shell with Gem Inlay of Lapis Coral Turquoise


Tibetan Buddhist Ganesh Hanging crafted with Gem Inlay of Coral & Turquoise

Masterpiece Vajrayogini/Kalachakra Mandala with Lapis, Turquoise, Coral, Conchshell, Pearl, & Ruby Inlay 7.jpg

Masterpiece Vajrayogini/Kalachakra Mandala with Lapis, Turquoise, Coral, Conchshell, Pearl, & Ruby Inlay

Nepali Zodiac Monastery Stamp Seal Chop 23.jpg

Nepali Zodiac Monastery Stamp Seal Chop

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Masterpiece Carved Lapis Sterling Silver Double Vajra

Masterpiece Tibetan Buddhist Silver Double Ghau Prayer Box crafted with Gem Inlay of Lapis Coral Turquoise 19.jpg

Masterpiece Tibetan Buddhist Silver Double Ghau Prayer Box crafted with Gem Inlay of Lapis Coral Turquoise

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Nepal Traditional Gem Inlaid Music Flute

Masterpiece Inlaid Gulpa Classic Jar Pot 7.jpg

Masterpiece Inlaid Gulpa Classic Jar Pot

Masterpiece Mandala Offering Set 7.jpg

Masterpiece Mandala Offering Set

Masterpiece Conch with Mandala Stand 3.jpg

Masterpiece Conch with Mandala Stand

Rare Gilt Lotus Mandala 25.jpg

Rare Gilt Lotus Mandala

Large Repousse Decorated Conch Shell (Shankha) Trumpet 18.jpg

Large Repousse Decorated Conch Shell (Shankha) Trumpet

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Repousse & Filigree Decorated Conch Shell (Shankha) Trumpet

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Carved Brass Decorated Conch Shell (Shankha) Trumpet

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Crystal Kapala with Jeweled Inlay
