Masterpiece Amethyst Chenrezig Gilt Statue

Masterpiece Amethyst Chenrezig Gilt Statue




Gold-plated copper

Lapis Lazuli



Dimensions & Weight:

Height: 11 inches

Width: 9 inches

Depth: 6.2 inches

Weight: 2.8 kilograms

Shipping Origin: Kathmandu, Nepal


This extraordinary Chenrezig statue is crafted from a solid, carved piece of amethyst set in a body sculpted from copper that is then gold-plated. Coral, turquoise, and lapis lazuli inlay details adorn the statue in addition to the filigreed robes.

Chenrezig, also known as Avalokitesvara, “One who looks with unwavering eye,” is the most revered of all Bodhisattva, embodying the compassion of all Buddhas. He listens to the prayers of all sentient beings in times of challenge and difficulty. In one prominent Buddhist story, Chenrezig vows never to rest until he has helped free all sentient beings from samsara, but despite his best efforts, his task is overwhelming. So, in his effort to reach out to so many cries of suffering, his arms are shattered into pieces, making them many, to better reach out to those in need. Chenrezig is considered the patron of Tibet, and, in fact, the living Buddha, the Dali Lama, is an incarnation of him.

Whenever we are compassionate, or feel the love of another directed at you, be they human or animal, we experience a taste of our connection with Chenrezig.

His two front hands are in a devotional gesture, clasped in front of his jewel-draped heart. His upper right hand holds his special symbol, an akshamala, or rosary, symbol of the never-ending cycle. While his left hand holds a white lotus, signifying that he frees the sentient beings from the muddy waters of suffering and hellish realms to the pure states of enlightenment. He is draped in silk garments, both legs in the “diamond pose” of meditation, and seated on a row of lotus petals.

Amethysts are reported to open a person’s third eye. The third eye is considered to be a source of power and wisdom. Amethyst is said to be incredibly protective, healing, and purifying. It’s claimed it can help rid the mind of negative thoughts and bring forth humility, sincerity, and spiritual wisdom.

The detail and craftsmanship displayed in this exquisite amethyst Chenrezig statue is absolutely remarkable.

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