Nepal Gold-Plated Pancha Buddha (5 Buddha Set)

Nepal Gold-Plated Pancha Buddha (5 Buddha Set)


Gold-plated copper

Dimensions & Weight:
Height: 3.5 inches each
Weight: 950 grams (weight of set)

Shipping Origin: Kathmandu, Nepal

These five, lovely gold-plated Dhyani Buddhas, popularly known as Pancha Buddha, are five representatives of five different qualities of Shakyamuni Buddha. Pancha Buddhas are also known as Five Wisdom Tathagatas and are widely respected in Vajrayana Buddhism. As you may have noticed in many Thangkas or collection of five Buddha statues in Buddhists residences, this collection of Buddhas are: Vajrochana, Akshobhaya, Amitabha, Ratnasambhava, and Amoghasiddhi.

These five Buddhas represent five paradises in five directions (Central, East, West, North and South). The collection of Nepali Buddha statues must consist of a set of five Pancha Buddhas, or it is considered incomplete.

1. Vajrochana Buddha is considered the supreme Buddha among Pancha Buddha. When seen in a Mandala, it is always placed in the center of the five. If meditating by saying mantra on Vajrochana Buddha, it helps to vanquish ignorance.
2. Ratnasambhava Buddha represents richness, and is shown in Varada Mudra – also known as boon-giving mudra. In Mandala, Ratnasambhava Buddha is shown facing South.
3. Amoghasiddhi Buddha reigns over the North and is believed to protect or destroy every ounce of envy or jealousy from the heart of people who meditate on him. Depicted holding a double vajra and shown in Abhava mudra.
4. Akshobhaya Buddha holds a vajra with left hand and touches the earth using the earth-touching Mudra. This Buddha is considered the heavenly Buddha who reigns over the eastern Paradise and represents the fifth Skandha. By meditating on the name of Akshobhaya Buddha, one can overcome any kind of anger as well as hatred.
5. Amitabha Buddha is greatly respected and followed by large numbers of Buddhists as well as Buddhist monks. Amitabha Buddha reigns over the Western Paradise and holds a lotus, symbolizing gentleness and purity. One who speaks or meditates on Amitabha Buddha can go to paradise according to Buddhist doctrines.

These Pancha Buddhas are great respected by Newari Buddhism. These five Buddhas of five different skandhas show the qualities of Living Buddha and are depicted in crown form known as the Five Buddha Crown or Rig Nga in Tibetan Buddhism. One of the key features of Pancha Buddha statues is that the hand postures of each Pancha Buddha are not considered mudra if all five Buddha statues are not placed together.

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