Crystal Damaru Jogini (Machig Labdron) Statue

Crystal Damaru Jogini (Machig Labdron) Statue
Gold-plated copper
Himalayan crystal
Dimensions & Weight:
Height: 14.5 inches
Width: 7 inches
Depth: 5.3 inches
Weight: 3.25 kilograms
Shipping Origin: Kathmandu, Nepal
This unique Damaru Jogini/Machig Labdron is crafted from solid, carved pieces of Himalayan crystal set in a body sculpted from copper that is then gold-plated. Her necklaces, wrists, and legs are adorned with inlays of coral and turquoise, and her crown is inset with small sapphires.
Machig Labdron is often depicted with the attributes of a Dakini, a representation of enlightened female energy. She holds a drum (Skt. Damaru) in her right hand and a bell (Skt. Ghanta) (Tibetan: Drilbu) in her left. Her right leg is often lifted and the standing left leg is bent in motion. Machig Labdron is white in color with three eyes and wears the Six Bone Ornaments of the charnel grounds, which is traditional for a practicing yogini. Dakinis wear five bone ornaments; they are themselves the wisdom Paramita.
Machig Labdron was a Tibetan Buddhist master of the gChod lineage during the eleventh and twelfth centuries. She is revered by Tibetans as a manifestation of Yeshe Tsogyal, the eighth-century queen of Tibet who was, in turn, a manifestation of the female Buddha Prajnaparamita, a reflected image of ultimate reality beyond conception. Although there are some discrepancies in her biographies, Machig Labdron was said to have been extraordinary from her birth in 1031, intellectually brilliant, and determined not to marry but to live a monastic life. She mastered all the philosophical treatises as well as the rituals and yogic practices. The teacher Dampa Sangye, who was believed to be a form of the great philosopher Kamalashila, initiated her into the practice of gChod. This practice, derived from the Prajnaparamita (perfection of wisdom literature), is a ritualistic visualization that is supposed to break one’s attachments to one’s own body and mind in order to benefit all sentient beings.
Machig Labdron taught that it is important to interpret gChod within the context of Mahamudra (great seal), that is, the understanding of ultimate reality as symbolized by the union of appearance and emptiness. In this sense, the most profound gChod is to see samsara (the phenomenal world) as mere appearance and to give up all attachment to it. This follows the teachings of Nagarjuna, the great second-century philosopher, who found the phenomenal world, when carefully analyzed, to be so full of contradictions that it could not be real. But ultimate reality can be reached through non conceptual meditation when attachment to the phenomenal world is decreased. The practice of gChod is a technique for becoming less attached. Later in her life, Machig Labdron gave up monastic life, married a yogi from India, and had at least three children who became yogis and teachers. She is venerated as an enlightened being endowed with miraculous powers, great wisdom, and limitless compassion for all sentient beings.